Get involved: present at the 2025 CSP Annual Conference

Would you like to be part of the CSP Annual Conference 2025? Find out how you can get involved by submitting an abstract or focused symposia proposal

Present at the 2025 CSP Annual Conference, being held at ICC Wales

Submit your symposia and workshop proposals

Our call for symposium and workshop proposals is now open. Submit via our online system. Please refer to the guidance document below for further information.

Our 2025 conference theme is  Future Directions in Physiotherapy. Weare inviting proposals for sessions that address our theme in any of these areas: 

  • Transformational technology
  • Active lives
  • Rehabilitation challenge
  • Future workforce

Submissions close midday 5 February 2025.

If you want to meet our programme lead, Meredith Newman, to discuss a session idea you are considering, contact the team at

Submit an abstract

We welcome submissions about research and quality improvement projects from people in all parts of the health and social care workforce including researchers, clinicians, educators, leaders and managers, students, and support workers. 

Any author can submit to the principal CSP conference. You can only submit an abstract to the CSP student conference about work completed while a physiotherapy student, and you will be asked to provide a CSP student membership number. 

Abstracts are presented as either an oral platform, a ‘rapid-5' presentation or a poster. For 2025, we are now also accepting case studies. 


Oral presentation – 10-minute platform presentation followed by a 5 minute Q&A 

Rapid 5 

Oral presentation – 5 slides in 5 minutes. 


Displayed as a physical poster (includes an online upload for virtual delegates) 

Abstract deadlines

  • Principal conference: midday 9 April 2025 
  • Student conference: midday 23 June 2025

Please read the Abstract Submission Guidelines before proceeding to the online submission form. 

This guide details everything you need to know to submit an abstract. 

Drop-in sessions

We will be hosting drop-in sessions in March to support you with your submissions. Drop-in sessions will be run on 11, 20, 25 and 31 March and 9 April. 

If you are interested in attending a 15 to 30-minute drop-in session, please email for details of available slots.

Upcoming webinars

Top Tips: How to write a conference abstract – 7:00pm - 8.15pm, 26 February 2025 


Networking submissions

Network sessions are informative, interactive opportunities which aim to encourage participatory and collaborative learning and to build professional connections. Only CSP Professional, Regional and Diversity Networks are invited to submit networking proposals.

Please read the Networking Guidelines before proceeding to the online submission form

Submissions open 13 January 2025

Submissions close midday 31 March 2025.


Frequently asked questions

How do I submit a symposium/ abstract proposal?

Our online submission system will open on the corresponding submission dates highlighted above. For symposiums, this is 2 December 2024 - 5 February 2025. For abstracts, submissions open on 6 January 2025. Please note that late applications are not accepted so ensure you are aware of the relevant deadline.

I don’t know which theme my research fits into

That’s okay, after you have read the themes, choose the one that seems most appropriate. If the reviewers and moderators think it fits better in a different theme to the one you have chosen, we can change it for you; it won’t impact your abstract score or chance of being accepted. 

What's the difference between the student and principal conference?

Both conferences are part of the same event.

The student conference is aimed at middle- and final-year physiotherapy students and will take place on Thursday 20 November. Attendance is free, but only CSP student members can attend in person for free. 

The principal conference will take place on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 November and bookings are open to all.

Do I need to pay for a ticket to attend?

If you are presenting as part of a symposium or networking session, you will receive a free conference ticket for the day of your presentation. You will need to cover all other costs associated with attending including travel and any accommodation.

If you are attending to present an abstract at the principal conference, on 21-22 November, you will need to buy a ticket to attend. The CSP is unable to cover the costs of attending.

If you are presenting at the student conference on 20 November, you will be able to book a ticket for free. 

Is there financial support to attend?

In specific circumstances, you can apply to our Widening Participation Award or other grants for financial support to attend. Please visit our conference funding web page. 

Need more information?

If you have a question that is not covered in the FAQs on this page or want to ask something specific, please email us

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