With over 120 student reps across the UK representing your voice to the CSP, our 12 newly elected regional student reps will oversee the work of student reps in each region.
In this enhanced leadership role, regional student reps will promote collaboration, communication and engagement between physiotherapy student reps in their region and the CSP and be pivotal in fostering positive relationships and ensuring the needs and interests of the CSP and student community are met.
Regional student reps will receive additional training and support to liaise with student reps, CSP staff and networks within their regions, ensuring that the student voice is represented at all levels within the CSP.
I am really looking forward to getting to know the CSP reps within the East of England. Together, I hope, that we can develop the way we work to better meet the needs of CSP student members within the region.
- Chris Holmes, East of England regional student rep
Emma Nicholas, South West regional student rep said: 'I am passionate about exploring this new role whilst creating new links with other regions.
Together with all CSP reps we can hopefully create an environment for growth and effective communication. I look forward to being a part of an inspiring and engaging community.
I'm really looking forward to joining a community of passionate, proactive people and really making a difference to the student experience of physiotherapy. I aim to represent the West Midlands well and make our voices heard.
- Katie Harper, West Midlands regional student rep
The full list of CSP regional student reps
East Midlands: Sophie Elsoueidi, University of Leicester
East of England: Chris Holmes, University of Essex
London: Mikayla Pearce, St Mary’s University
North East: Erin Quinn, Teesside University
North West: Julia Barrie, Cumbria University
Northern Ireland: Barbara Reynolds, Ulster University
Scotland: John Heffernan, Glasgow Caledonian University
South Central: Louis Bell, University of Southampton
South West: Emma Nicholas, Plymouth Marjon University
Wales: Matthew Stephens, Wrexham University
West Midlands: Katie Harper, University of Birmingham
Yorkshire and the Humber: Mabel Anugo, University of Bradford
To contact your CSP regional student rep email studentenquiries@csp.org.uk
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